Capital Introduced Journal Entry

Capital refers to the money or assets that a business uses to generate revenue. This can include cash on hand, investments, inventory, and equipment.

Without capital, businesses would be unable to purchase the supplies they need to produce goods or services, pay their employees, or cover other operating expenses. While businesses can receive cash through loans, capital, and other forms of borrowing, sooner or later they need to replenish their capital through profits. That’s why generating positive cash flow is essential for the long-term success of any business.

A company can receive capital from the investment of the owner or shareholders. The investment of the owner or shareholders is the act of committing money to an enterprise with the expectation of obtaining an income or financial return. In order to raise capital, a company may approach investors who will provide the necessary funding in exchange for equity stakes in the business.

Equity is simply a share in the ownership of a company and entitles the holder to a portion of the company’s profits (or losses). In addition to providing capital, investors may also offer their expertise and experience to help grow the business. For example, an investor with experience in marketing may help to develop and implement a new marketing strategy. Ultimately, the goal of any investment is to generate a return for the investor. There are many different types of investments, but they all share one common goal.

Journal Entry for Capital Introduced

Capital is the resource that the owner invested into the business to kick start the operation. Most businesses require capital at the beginning when the operation is not yet provided enough profit to support itself.

The capital can be cash, fixed assets, and other assets. However, most of the time capital refers to cash which allows the company to purchase any required items.

The journal entry is debiting cash and credit capital.


The transaction will increase the capital which is the equity on the balance sheet. It also increases the cash balance.


Mr. A has started the company XYZ which imports goods from oversea. In order to start the operation, XYZ requires some cash to pay for the investment and operating expenses. Mr. A decides to invest $ 100,000 as capital into the company. Please prepare a journal entry for the capital introduction.

The owner of company has made an investment of $ 100,000 as capital. It is the transaction of capital investment.

The journal entry is debiting cash $ 100,000 and credit owner capital $ 100,000.

Owner Capital100,000